Saturday, December 6, 2008

Enough is Enough- it's Christmas for crying out loud!

Enough is enough!

I am so sick of the controversy over Christmas trees, nativity sets, stores telling me "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas."

I just read another story about the University of North Carolina (Chapel Hill) now refusing to display thier two Christmas trees at their library because quote "12 people have complained."

Those twelve people were mentioned to be employees and faculty of the university. So here is my response.... tell those people they do not get a Christmas vacation and paid days off!

See how quickly they change their tunes.

We wonder why our nation is in such moral decline? We cannot seem to figure out why we have 8 year old boys shooting thier fathers in the head, or why teen pregnancy is running rampant, or why our government leaders have never met an expense they didn't like! Because we have lost our ever-lovin' minds that's why! And now just the word "Christmas" drives people crazy.

It is after all a national holiday- so as far as I am concerned, all those people who are offended by the Christmas holiday or tradition, Christmas trees, the baby Jesus in a manger- they just need to go create their own holiday- although maybe it already exists on April 1st!

The most intolerant people in our country are those who are complaining the most that Christmas is not an "inclusive" holiday-

Maybe if we all stayed home and refused to spend our money at the stores who refused to put "Merry Christmas" all over the place, we would no doubt get their attention. What if we said "bah humbug" until they returned "Merry Christmas" to every aspect of thier sales and promotions? We would see just how "happy" thier holidays would be without the "Merry Christmas" people!

Enough is enough!!
Merry Christmas!!!

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